Using size-weight relationships to estimate biomass of heavily targeted aquarium corals by Australia’s coral harvest fisheries

Written by on January 27, 2023

Establishing size-weight relationships for heavily targeted coral species is an important first step towards informing sustainable harvest limits19. Placing coral harvests into an ecological context is a core requirement for implementing a defensible stock assessment strategy, and this need is particularly critical given escalating disturbances and widespread reports of coral loss7,17,25. Using these relationships, managers can now easily sample and calculate biomass per unit area. It is important to point out that all sites sampled in our study represent fished locations, and there is no information available to test whether standing biomass has declined due to sustained coral harvesting at these locations. While these data may now provide a critical baseline for assessing the future effects of ongoing fishing, it is also important to sample at comparable locations where fishing is not permitted or has not occurred (where possible), to test for potential effects of recent and historical harvesting.

Biomass per unit area data presented herein highlights the highly patchy abundance and biomass of targeted coral species14, which is evident based on the often vastly different mean and median values (Table 2). Examining biomass per unit area estimates for C. jardinei for example, which returned some of the highest biomass estimates, the 33.75 kg·m−2 maximum estimate from a transect stands as an extreme outlier, with 12 of the 16 other transects being below 0.2 kg·m−2. This indicates the challenges of managing species that occur in patchily distributed concentrations, particularly in a management area the size of the QCF. It is also important to note, these estimates are generated only on transects where the target species occurred, and therefore, should technically not be considered as an overall estimate of standing biomass. While the estimation of size-weight relationships is a step towards a standing biomass estimate, many challenges remain in terms of sampling or reliably predicting the occurrence of these patchily distributed species. Bruckner et al.14 attempted to overcome this management challenge in a major coral fishery region of Indonesia by categorising and sampling corals (in terms of coral numbers) in defined habitat types, and then extrapolating to estimated habitat area based on visual surveys and available data. This approach, utilising size-weight relationship derived biomass per unit area estimates (instead of coral numbers), may be a viable method for the QCF, however much more information is needed to understand the habitat associations (e.g., nearshore to offshore), and environmental gradients that influence the size and abundance of individual corals. Fundamentally, it is also clear that much more data is required to effectively assess the standing biomass of aquarium corals in the very large area of operation available to Australian coral fisheries.

These corals are found in a range of environments, and it is important to consider available information on life history if attempting to use coral size-weight relationships to inform management strategies via standing biomass estimation. All corals in this study can be found as free living corals (at least post-settlement) in soft-sediment, inter-reefal habitats, from which they are typically harvested by commercial collectors19. However, only four of the 6 species are colonial (C. jardinei, D. axifuga, E. glabrescens, M. lordhowensis) while the remaining two species (H. cf. australis and T. geoffroyi) are more typically monostomatous or solitary. As indicated in previous work24, if larger colonial corals were to be fragmented during harvesting instead of removed entirely, fishery impacts would likely be lessened24. Given the power relationship between coral maximum diameter and weight, larger corals contribute disproportionately to the total available biomass of each species in a given area. The potential environmental benefit of leaving larger colonies (at least partially) intact is not limited to impacts on standing biomass, as this practice would likely be demographically beneficial given the greater reproductive potential (i.e., fecundity) of larger colonies, which also do not need to overcome barriers to replenishment of populations associated with new recruits (i.e., high mortality during and post-settlement26). This conclusion was drawn largely from data on branching taxa (e.g., Acropora), which are relatively resilient to fragmentation and commonly undergo fragmentation as a result of natural processes27,28,29. D. axifuga can be considered to exhibit a relatively similar branching growth form, however, the growth form of E. glabrescens and C. jardinei changes with size, moving from small discrete polyps to large phaceloid and flabello-meandroid colonies, respectively19. While larger colonies of E. glabrescens and C. jardinei may be relatively resilient to harvesting via fragmentation, the same may not be true for smaller colonies, or species with massive growth forms such as M. lordhowensis. Typically, for each species, the average reported weight was quite low, coinciding with the lower end of the sampled maximum diameter range. For colonial species, the harvested smaller maximum diameters (if fragments) are ideal from an ecological perspective as this will have the least impact possible on standing biomass, and may also leave a potentially mature breeding colony intact. Ultimately, in light of these considerations, the development of uniform and standardised industry-wide harvest guidelines to balance economic and ecological outcomes may be necessary. The development of these guidelines would require consultation with commercial harvesters, as well as considerable additional work in measuring ecological impacts and better understanding the cost of these impacts from an economic perspective. Conversely, if whole colonies are collected, which is necessarily the case for solitary species such as H. cf. australis and T. geoffroyi (and potentially smaller colonies of other species such as E. glabrescens and C. jardinei); smaller colonies may be collected before they reach sexual maturity, hindering their ability to contribute to population replenishment. Therefore, collection of small fragments should be encouraged for colonial species; while for monostomatous species where this is not possible, introduction of a minimum harvest size based on sexual maturity should be considered.

Additionally, the need for further consideration of the selectivity of ornamental coral harvest fisheries3,4,30 when assessing standing biomass is evident. Due to various desirable traits, the majority of available biomass may not be targeted by collectors. As emphasised in this study, the focus on smaller corals is indicative of the trend towards collection of most of these species at the lower portion of their size range, at least compared to some of the maximum sizes recorded on transects (e.g., see Tables 1 and 2, section b). However, it is also important to consider that transects were conducted in areas subject to commercial collection and are likely to skew results and prevent clear conclusions relating to size selectivity. Sampling of unfished populations (i.e., any residing outside of permitted fishing zones) and/or spatial and temporal matching of catch data and transect data across a larger sample of operators will be required to properly address industry size selectivity trends. For instance, only 17.5% of C. jardinei corals measured on transects fell within the diameter range represented by data obtained from collectors, with 81.9% of corals measured on transects exceeding this range. If it is viable to collect fragments from larger colonies (which does appear to be the case for some corals such as C. jardinei), then a larger proportion of standing biomass outside of this size range could be targeted by fishers. As an additional consideration, only desirable colour morphs of these corals will be harvested, and due to lack of appropriate data, the prevalence of these morphs remains unclear. H. cf. australis and M. lordhowensis for example often occur in brown colour morphs, which are far less popular in markets where certain aesthetic qualities (e.g., specific, eye-catching colours or combinations of colours) are desired, such as the ornamental aquarium industry. Even without delving into further considerations such as heritability of phenotypic traits, management conclusions drawn from standing biomass estimates may be ineffective in the absence of efforts to account for selectivity in this fishery.

The relationship between size and weight was found to differ between all corals, with the exception of C. jardinei and E. glabrescens. There can be some moderate similarity in skeletal structure between these two species, particularly between small colonies, reflecting the similar maximum diameter range of sampling in the current study. Subsequently, inherent physiological constraints may be imposed on corals that prevent the maintenance of growth rates between corals of smaller and larger sizes, for example, as the surface area to volume ratio declines with growth31. In the current study, all corals, with the exception of C. jardinei, showed evidence of allometric growth, as exhibited by an estimated exponent value different to 3. Sample size for C. jardinei was greatly limited, as this species typically forms extensive beds, and are rarely brought to facilities as whole colonies. Therefore, the lack of evidence for allometric growth may reflect higher error for the species coefficient parameter due to the comparatively small sample size for this species. This suggests that mass would not increase consistently with changes in colony size in 3 dimensions31, which seems likely considering the change in exhibited form described for E. glabrescens and C. jardinei previously. In the current context, this indicates that the estimated ‘a’ and ‘b’ constants are likely to vary as the sample range increases, reflecting the changes in the size-weight relationship between smaller and larger samples of these species. Therefore, ideally, these models should incorporate data that reflect the maximum diameter range of the species in the region of application to allow increased accuracy of biomass estimation. To achieve this will require additional fishery-independent sampling, as large colonies are rarely collected whole, though may be collected as fragments depending on the species. Sampling may be challenging for some species given the difficulty of physically collecting and replacing large whole colonies, particularly for inter-reefal species such as M. lordhowensis, which can occur in deep, soft sediment habitat, subject to strong currents. Importantly, obtaining ex situ or in situ growth rate data should be considered a priority for the management of heavily targeted species. This data is likely to be another necessary component (in conjunction with size-weight relationships) of any stock assessment model developed for LPS corals, and may also eliminate the need to collect large sample colonies to improve estimated size-weight relationships.

The disproportionate focus on smaller corals (i.e., corals in the current study averaged between 4.28 and 11.48 cm in maximum diameter) is likely to lead to an underestimation of weight in corals at greater diameters when used as inputs for size-weight models. This may explain the apparent minor underestimation observed in some species (e.g., M. micromussa, T. geoffroyi). In the current context, this represents an added level of conservatism with estimates obtained from these equations. While the relationship between size and weight was particularly strong for some species, (mainly D. axifuga and T. geoffroyi), for other species, such as M. lordhowensis, growth curves tended towards underestimation at larger diameter values. As the mass of a coral is reflective of the amount of carbonate skeleton that has been deposited32, the coral skeleton may increase disproportionately to coral diameter if or when corals start growing vertically. For example, in massive corals such as M. lordhowensis, vertical growth (i.e., skeletal thickening) is often very negligible among smaller colonies, with thickening of the coral skeleton only becoming apparent once the coral has reached a threshold size in terms of horizontal planar area. Additional fisheries-independent sampling outside of the relatively narrow size range of harvested colonies will be required to address this source of error in future applications. Ecological context in the form of fishery independent data on stock size and structure is essential for effective management, especially in ensuring that exploitation levels are sustainable and appropriate limits are in place. Coral harvest fisheries offer managers an ecologically and biologically unique challenge, as the implementation of standard fisheries management techniques and frameworks is hampered by their coloniality and unique biology, as well as a general lack of relevant data for assessing standing biomass and population turnover, not to mention the evolving taxonomy of scleractinian corals33. Similarly, fishery-related management challenges such as the extreme selectivity in terms of targeted size-ranges and colour-morphs, plus the potentially vast difference in the impact of various collection strategies (i.e., whole colony collection vs fragmentation during collection) also complicates the application of typical fisheries stock assessment frameworks. The relationships and equations established in the current work offer an important first step for coral fisheries globally by laying the groundwork for a defensible, ecologically sound management strategy through estimation of standing biomass, thus bridging the gap between weight-based quotas and potential environmental impacts of ongoing harvesting. It is important to note that the species selected for the current work do not represent the extent of heavily targeted LPS corals. For example, Fimbriaphyllia ancora (Veron & Pichon, 1980), Fimbriaphyllia paraancora (Veron, 1990), Cycloseris cyclolites (Lamark, 1815), and Acanthophyllia deshayesiana (Michelin, 1850) are examples of other heavily targeted corals of potential environmental concern19, and management would also benefit from the estimation of size-weight relationships for these species. Moving forward, the next challenge for the coral harvest fisheries will be to comprehensively document and track the standing biomass of heavily targeted and highly vulnerable coral stocks, explicitly accounting for fisheries effects and also non-fisheries threats, especially global climate change.

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