Supporting National Action and Planning Initiative to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants in Kenya

Written by on January 24, 2023

Draft National Action Plan (NAP) on Short-lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs)

Through a series of consultative meetings and capacity building sessions, a technical assessment of SLCPs, air pollutants, and greenhouse gases (GHGs) mitigation has been conducted using the LEAP tool, historic emissions of SLCPs, air pollutants, and GHGs have been quantified, project emissions for baseline scenario developed, and policies and measures designed to reduce SLCP emissions evaluated. This information has now been consolidated by the project team and the Technical Working Group into the draft National SLCP Action Plan for Kenya.

In order to subject the draft for review by all stakeholders representing the key sectors, Ministries, departments, and agencies (MDAs), the Climate Change directorate (CCD) will convene a national virtual stakeholders’ consultative workshop on Wednesday, 25th January 2023 from 9.00 am to 12:00 noon EAT.


Moderator: Dr Anderson Khebila – SEI Africa Centre
Time Activity Responsible
Opening Session
9.30-9.45 a.m. Welcome address

Dr. Pacifica Ogolla, Director, Climate Change Directorate, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry

9.45-10.00 a.m. Towards a national action plan (NAP) for Short lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) – Overview of the Kenya SNAP Initiative Dr. Philip Osano – Director, Stockholm Environment Institute Africa Center
10.00-10.15 a.m. Keynote address & official opening Principal Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Session 1: Presentation of the Draft National SLCP Action Plan for Kenya
10.15-10.45 a.m. National overview: Contribution of different sources to SLCPs now and likely progression to 2030/2050 Mbeo Ogeya and Chris Malley – Stockholm Environment Institute
10.45-11.45 a.m. Priority Measures for SLCP Mitigation and Implementation strategies

  1. Energy Sector

Mr. Stephen Nzioka – Ministry of Energy and Petroleum

Mr. Peter Maneno- Ministry of Energy and Petroleum

Technical Working Group Sector Leads (all sectors, 10 minutes each)
2.     Transport Sector

Ms. Esther Gachanja – Ministry of Roads and Transport

Wilfred Kagimbi – Shipping and Maritime Sector

3.     Agriculture Sector

Ms. Jesca Makena – Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock  Development

Mr. Francis Wekesa – Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Ms. Joyce Kimutai, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry

4.     Livestock Sector

Mr. Bernard Kimoro – Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

5.     Waste Sector

Dr. Omambia, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Forestry

Ms. Selelah Okoth, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Forestry

6.     Industry Sector

Ms. Beatrice Pamella Onyango, Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry

Ms. Purity Kamau, Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry

7.     Health Sector

Mr. Anthony Wainaina-Ministry of Health

8.     Public Works Sector

Ken Matheka, Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development

9.     Infrastrucutre sector

Linda Bina Osoro Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development

Session 2: Plenary
11.45am-12.45 pm Feedback on the findings and recommendations of the draft National SLCP Action Plan All
12.45-1.00 pm Next Steps and Closing Remarks Dr. Pacifica Ogolla, Director, Climate Change Directorate, Ministry of Environment & Forestry

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