NUG calls on countries to take action for junta infringement of their airspace

Written by on January 15, 2023

The National Unity Government (NUG) in exile issued a statement calling on countries neighbouring Myanmar to take serious action against the infringement of their airspace by Myanmar junta aircraft.

It said that Myanmar junta aircraft are launching attacks on innocent Myanmar civilians from foreign airspace and in the process are endangering the security and lives of foreign citizens not on Myanmar territory.

The statement was issued on 12 January, following airstrikes from Indian airspace on Camp Victoria, the headquarters of Chin National Front (CNF), on 10 and 11 January.

It urged the countries to take robust action against the junta for airspace infringements that have caused loss of properties and livelihoods in their territories, in direct contravention of the United Nations Security Council resolution requiring an immediate ceasefire in Myanmar.

On 10 and 11 January 2023 the junta launched fighter jet airstrikes against Camp Victoria, the CNF headquarters in Chin State’s Thantlang Township.

In the 11 January attack five CNF soldiers, including two women were killed and many others were injured. A bomb from one of the planes also landed in Indian territory and caused considerable damage to a truck.

In the 12 January attack the camp’s medical clinic and civilian houses were destroyed, but no one was injured.

The NUG said that such actions also blatantly disregard the international community’s efforts to bring peace to Myanmar and it called on the international community to help resolve the crisis in Myanmar by working hand-in-hand with the NUG, the Committee Representing the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the National Unity Consultative Council, the People’s Representatives, and Ethnic Revolutionary Forces.

The statement also said that the NUG strongly condemns the junta’s use of airstrikes to target innocent civilians. It also expressed the NUG’s condolences for all those ethnic people who have lost their lives to such junta atrocities and pledged to get judicial justice, either national or international, for their murders.

Since the February 2021 coup the junta has carried out multiple airstrikes, especially in Karen and Kachin states and Sagaing and Magway regions. The airstrikes have killed 460 innocent civilians, many of whom were children.

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