India’s cyber espionage campaign

Written by on January 8, 2023

On September 17, 2021, Forbes unveiled some shocking facts. In the era of digital modernisation, cyber-attacks are the most common tool used by hackers to steal classified information of a government, institution, and the public.

India’s use of nefarious tactics to establish its presence in the region is nothing new. However, it is an open secret that all the countries in the region are aware of this and have expressed their concerns in various international forums.

In this connection, the worst affected countries are Pakistan and China. They have repeatedly provided details to the international community and organisations with evidence of India’s nefarious intentions and high-handed tactics.

It is pertinent to note that China’s case is different from Pakistan’s since China has become such a substantial economic and defense power that India cannot compete with it. Moreover, as a permanent member of the Security Council, China enjoys a position in the international community and international bodies that India cannot harm. That is why India only speaks against China and uses the cyber sphere for spying.

Meanwhile, Pakistan’s situation is very different. In this case, the Indian ruling regime under the Hindutva ideology openly expresses its malice for Pakistan. If we trace back the pages of history, it will come to understate that her four wars with Pakistan also bear witness to the fact that India cannot see Pakistan becoming stable in any way.

In this regard, Pakistan has provided indisputable proof against India’s illegal intervention policies at various international forums, but no concrete action has been taken against India yet. That indicates some elements are backing India for their financial interests.

On the other hand, Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) is a significant and unmistakable example. India has inflicted atrocities on the oppressed Kashmiri people in the Occupied Territories, which continues to this day. Still, the international community and organisations have done nothing but issue hollow statements in this regard.

Recently, it’s been brought to light that India had bought software from an American company, Exodus Intelligence (EI). They primarily target government computers in Pakistan and China through this software. The company says the Indian government is spying on government and telecom companies in both countries under the guise of Microsoft Windows.

This series was started in 2020 and continued till April 2021. According to a report in Forbes, this move by the Indian government is unacceptable. The report stated that India had misused technology at least six times in the last two years. In this regard, a Russian security company discovered India’s cyber campaign against China and Pakistan, after which the American company canceled the agreement with India. The company believes that India may have also provided some of our technology to South Korea.

At present, this is the time for Pakistan and China to work together in the international community and lobby against India and smooth the way for international organisations to take concrete action against India.

In conclusion, the world community should not be a party and not reflect the impression by its silence or hollow statements that it is turning a blind eye to all India’s activities, considering India a significant market for buying and selling goods. India’s spying on its neighbors and its misuse of technology in violation of an agreement with a foreign company is rich enough to show that it can never stop its nefarious activities. The international community should stand with Pakistan and China and make India realise that it will not be allowed to achieve its nefarious intentions since these policies threaten peace and order in the region.

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