What are Low Quality Goods? Definition and Examples

Written by on November 27, 2022

What is low quality goods? also known as inferior goods, are goods whose demand has decreased even though consumer income has increased. This is because, in general, normal goods are goods with increased demand when consumer income rises.

What are Low Quality Goods? Definition and Examples

There are quite a lot of examples of low quality goods because in everyday life we ​​will definitely find them. Commonly encountered low quality goods include instant noodles, fast food, and frozen food.

When people with lower incomes, they will tend to buy products like this. However, when their income increases, they will often buy more expensive items.

As a business owner who deals with goods, you should also pay attention to the importance of product quality for consumer loyalty. There are several things you can do to maintain the importance of product quality to consumers. So that you understand better, here’s an explanation!

Planning for quality Low Quality Goods

Technological advances are growing rapidly, making business people provide the best results in producing products that consumers can accept and use. Product quality is a characteristic of a product provided to customers.

Business owners or producers continue to encourage consumers to be more selective in choosing and using a type of product or service.


This performance is one of the dimensions of product quality operations and core products purchased. Examples of these characteristics are speed, ease and comfort in using the product.

Features (additional features or features)

This feature is one of the dimensions of product quality which has a role in complementing the basic benefits of a product. This feature can be optional for consumers. In addition, features can also improve product quality if competitors do not have these features.

Conformance to specification (conformance with specifications)

Conformance to specification is a product quality dimension that shows how much the design and operating characteristics meet the established standards. For example, quality control and design.

Reliability (reliability)

Reliability is a product dimension that has a small possibility of experiencing product damage or the product can no longer be used. Such as quality control and design, appropriate operational characteristics standards.

Durability (endurance)

Durability or durability is a product quality dimension that shows the age of the product, namely where the amount of use of a product before the product will be replaced or damaged.

Aesthetica (aesthetics)

Aesthetica is a product quality dimension based on the product’s appeal to the five senses, such as physical form, artistic model or design and color.

Perceived quality (perceived quality)

Perceived quality is a product quality dimension based on consumer perceptions of the overall quality and superiority of a product.

Serviceability (the dimension of ease in carrying out repairs)

Serviceability is a product great measurement this is decided on the idea of restore capabilities, consisting of speed, competence, comfort and simplicity of restore or restore.

The importance of product quality to consumers Low Quality Goods

Basically the goal of business is to create and retain customers so they keep choosing the products they have. Based on the total quality management approach, namely product quality determined by the customer and creating customer satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction with a product has several benefits for business owners or companies.

  • Loyalty from customers and dissemination of product information (advertising) by word of mouth is called positive word of mouth.
  • Has the role of being a source of future income, especially in the event of re-buying, cross-selling and up-selling.
  • Can increase price tolerance (especially the willingness to pay a premium price for products and customers are not easily tempted by switching suppliers.
  • Can increase the relative bargaining power of business owners or companies against a network of suppliers, business partners and distribution channels.

Consumer Loyalty

A loyal customer will become a very valuable asset or treasure for the company, this happens because product satisfaction and quality can play an important role in increasing loyalty.

The loyalty of these customers really provides many benefits for the company. Because they will make purchases regularly, refuse other products and recommend products that are used to others

Satisfaction will create consumer loyalty

A loyal customer will be a very valuable asset or treasure for the company. This happens because satisfaction and product quality can play an important role in increasing loyalty.

The loyalty of these customers really provides many benefits for the company. Loyal consumers will make purchases regularly, refusing other products. They also tend to recommend products that are used to others.

This is an explanation of low quality goods, examples of low quality goods and the importance of product quality. Hopefully the information can add to your insight and be useful for many people.

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