Google how precisely you want the user

Written by on November 30, 2022

A successful Google Ads campaign is all about choosing the right keywords. Advertisers spend considerable time to find the keywords they want to include in their Ads. When they create their Ad campaigns, the keywords they have chosen often generate irrelevant impressions and clicks.

Why does it happen? The reason is not paying attention to the keyword match type.

Keyword Match Type is a parameter that determines how your paid Google Ads get triggered. The keyword match type you choose tells Google how precisely you want the user’s search queries to match your keywords.

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But, which keyword match type for Google Ad will give you a big bang for your buck? Should you choose Broad Match or Phrase Match? Is it the Modified Broad Match or Exact Match that will work best for you? To get the answer, you need to dig deeper into the article.

Why Should You Care About Keyword Match Type?
Much like long-tail and short-tail keywords, using the right keyword match type can make a difference! In fact, choosing a keyword match type is an important thing to consider while selecting the keywords for your Google Ad campaign.

With the right keyword match type, you can eliminate similar keywords that aren’t relevant to your Ads. Moreover, by avoiding those irrelevant matches, you can save your budget. You can focus on high-quality users for better conversion rates.

What Are Different Keyword Match Types?
Google offers you four keyword match type choices-

Broad Match
Broad Match Modifier
Phrase Match
Exact Match
Let’s discuss each of these keyword match types one by one.

Broad Match

As the name suggests, the Broad Match keyword type is the default parameter that reaches a broad audience. Your ad will appear whenever a search term includes any word in your keyword phrase, alongside its variations and plurals with this match type.

Broad match type keywords show your PPC marketing Ads more often compared to the other types. For example, if you bid on ‘men shoes’ and use Broad Match type, your Ad will also be displayed for the keywords, like ‘shoes,’ ‘shoes for man,’ etc.

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Modified Broad Match
Modified Broad Match is a customizable form of broad match type. While it reaches a wide audience, it provides you with control over who can see your Ad. You can lock all the words in a keyword phrase with a ‘+’ sign.

When you add a ‘+’ sign in front of a word, it tells Google that the user’s search query must include that particular word. For example, suppose you enable modified broad match for ‘men shoes,’ or (+) men (+) watch. The users’ search queries must have these two words to see your Ad.

Phrase Match

Phrase Match provides more visibility to the broad match. This type of keyword triggers your Google Ads only when the users’ search queries match the keywords’ exact sequence. The search query may include additional words, though.

For example, the keyword ‘men shoes’ will also trigger your Ad for ‘leather men shoes’ or ‘leather shoes for men.’

Exact Match Type
This keyword match type is the most specific of all the match types. These keywords will trigger your Ads only when the users’ search queries exactly match the keywords you bid on. Or if a user enters a close variant in the search. For example, ‘men’s leather watch’ will trigger your ad for the search query ‘men leather watch.’

Now that you know the difference between the different types of keyword match types, what type is the best for Google Ads? Well, there is only one way to get the answer- use different match types in your Ads and find out what works best.

However, below is a general overview of when you should use each of these keyword match types.

When To Use Different Keyword Match Types?
Broad Match Type

If you run a large business that includes an array of general products, your Google Ad may benefit from broad match type keywords. Even if your keyword isn’t precise, it can still result in sales. However, use a broad to narrow approach.

Broad Match Type is helpful, especially when you are just getting started with a Google Ad campaign. Later, you’ll realize what works for your campaign. This way, you’ll narrow your keyword targeting automatically.

Modified Broad Match Type

If you want to attract a more targeted audience and save budget, Modified Broad Match Type is a better choice. Though you get fewer clicks and impressions than the broad match type, traffic quality is better.

Phrase Match Type

For a highly-targeted Google Ad campaign that focuses on a smaller audience, Phrase Match Type is the best option. You can create offers and compelling Ad copy tailored to the users’ search queries and an effective paid campaign.

If your goal is to spread awareness about your brand, this type of keyword match isn’t ideal for you as it has limited reach.

Exact Match Type

If you are tight on budget, it’s fine to use exact match type keywords. But, avoid spending too much on these keywords as they limit your reach and ability to attract more traffic.

All It Boils Down To Keeping A Balance
All these types of match types are important in the Google Ads campaign. If you want to get the most out of it, you should know how or when to use these match types.

To make your Google Ads campaign run successfully, you need to seek a balance between relevance and reach with the match types. You can bid high on exact match keywords and a bit low on broad match type keywords. Then, bid on phrase matches and modified broad match keywords, as they get you the best results.

Analyze your efforts, see what works best, and optimize your campaign.

Keyword Match Type has a significant impact on your Ads performance. These are the parameters that help you figure out the search queries you should bid on. See how your competitors bid on terms and how their accounts have performed. Also, check how a keyword or similar keywords have performed to know which match type will give you better ROAS.

Optimize your Google Ads match types; it will enable you to reach your target audience better and avoid spending unnecessarily on irrelevant clicks. Find a healthy balance between strategy, research, and budget to know the best match type to use.

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