Although this is not a big change

Written by on September 21, 2022

Facebook has introduced a preview link in the comments section. These preview links are not new to Facebook, they have received status updates. Most people are familiar with using links in blog posts or YouTube videos. Links in the comments section were text links until recently..........

Today when I leave a link to my YouTube video and press “enter”, I see a thumbnail of the video player with the title and description of the video. I can also play YouTube videos directly from the comments section.

Although this is not a big change. But it is also a very convenient and effective way to express your opinion.

Why is that? Why is this new feature important to you?

1 – It is a cleaner and more efficient way to express ideas and suggestions. Especially if you’re describing something that requires a more detailed or visual introduction.

2 – The ability to play videos in the comments section ensures that your readers can’t unsubscribe from Facebook and still read the rest of the comments on your status updates.

3 – Graphic preview links with thumbnails of your blog posts and videos. And eye-catching images, they draw attention to your opinion and stand out from the crowd.

All this gives your links additional information. And if you use your page to provide valuable feedback on other status updates, it could be a lead generator that directs people to your buy real facebook comments page or blog site.

How will you use this change?

Just leave your link as you did before and your YouTube will play in the comments section, other links will get thumbnails, titles and descriptions, you don’t have to do anything else!

Keep in mind that you can’t change the description and title for your YouTube videos like you can if you post in the status bar. This is because the image, title, and description will not appear until you click and submit your link.

With this new feature, here are 3 reasons why you might want to use links in your Facebook comments. I think this will attract more attention and potentially generate more traffic.

Louisa YS Chan is a social media expert helping small businesses and solopreneurs. (online and offline) grow their business using social media and mobile marketing through its consulting and marketing services.

Facebook is huge. Everyone is trying to figure out how to leverage over 500 million Facebook users. One of the easiest ways to attract Facebook users to your website is to install a plugin on your website. It allows people to leave comments on your blog using their Facebook account.

The advantage of allowing people to comment through their Facebook account is that the comment is posted to their personal profile. All their friends will see the comment if their friends see it. They can visit your site. They really sell your website for you. Click here for how to market on social media.

Facebook app

The first thing you need to do is go to Facebook to create a new app. This may sound difficult. But it’s not easy.

Get started by visiting Facebook’s developer page. If you don’t already have a Facebook account, you may need to sign up. If you are already logged in, just press the button. “Install new application”

The next screen will ask you to enter a name for the application. You can name the app whatever you want. The easiest way to name it is to name it after the website where you want to install the app.

After you name your application, you will be taken to a new page. Look in the left column and click on the “Websites” tab. On the next screen, you need to specify the URL of your site. Make sure to specify a line at the end of the line to avoid mistakes when creating your application. Click Save changes.

At this point, your application has been created. All you need to do is copy the app ID and you’re good to go. Because you have to insert it in the plugin settings on your WordPress blog.

Your WordPress blog

To add Facebook comments to your blog, you need to install a plugin. Go to your plugins page and click “Add New”. Type “Facebook Comments for WordPress” as this is the name of the plugin we want to install.

When you see the add-on, click “Install Now”. The module should be installed automatically. But you have to enable Click on the link to activate your plugin and paste the app ID from Facebook in the space provided. Save your settings and your plugin should be active and ready to use.

Current track

