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“All Politics is Global” is a new column by Japan-based international affairs expert Dr Monika Chansoria. One of JAPAN Forward‘s earliest contributing authors, Dr Chansoria is widely read for her analysis of risks and changes in the world around us. In her first column, the focus is on the Quad.  In the Indo-Pacific region and […]

Options: Congratulations on opening Limoné. We understand your children helped you come up with the name. Tell us a little about it.Sherina Mahtani-Binwani: The story is actually a little different. I started baking a lot during the MCO, as did most people. And my children had gotten fed up with me feeding them endless cakes and […]

Puducherry [India], January 31 (ANI): Science 20 Conference is being held in Puducherry as part of the G20 Conference. More than 75 representatives from G20 member countries and friendly countries including India, China, US have participated in the conference. The conference focuses on three key themes: global holistic health, the adoption of clean energy for […]

This month Liu He, China’s economic tsar, sought to reassure global elites and the heads of some of the world’s biggest companies of two things. First, China is back and open again for business, he said in a speech to the World Economic Forum in Davos. And second, the Chinese Communist party is more committed […]

YOGYAKARTA, 31 January 2023: Batik Air, a member of Lion Air Group, launches a new direct flight from Yogyakarta to Kuala Lumpur, starting 31 January 31, 2023. Flight ID7187 departs Yogyakarta at 0700 and arrives in Kuala Lumpur at 1020. The return flight ID7186 departs Kuala Lumpur at 1105 and arrives in Yogyakarta at 1220. […]

President John F Kennedy talks to Soviet ambassador Anatoly F Dobrynin and foreign minister Andrei Gromyko, White House, October 1962 Universal History Archive · UIG · Getty On 28 October 1962 – that dramatic day just over 60 years ago when Nikita Khrushchev publicly ordered the removal of nuclear ballistic missiles his forces had just […]

Niklas Halle’n · AFP · Getty There’s one America that persecutes Julian Assange, another that supports him. When WikiLeaks made its explosive revelations of classified documents in 2010, Fidel Castro said that Assange had ‘morally brought [the US] to its knees’. He wrote that Assange was ‘demonstrating that the most powerful empire in history can […]

Indian National Science Academy (INSA) president and the country’s chair for the G20 Science-20 Inception Meeting Dr Ashutosh Sharma pointed out that scientific progress has helped in drastically reducing poverty levels across the world over the last few decades. He was speaking after inaugurating the two-day S20 meeting here on Monday at a […]

Every year since I first had the pleasure of studying art history at university, I have longed for a sourcebook “detailing” art from India. I am sometimes quite annoyed with publications with “global” in their titles that continue to reduce tones of art historical material from South Asian countries like India and Pakistan into a […]

China is back, and even the most ardent skeptics of Beijing’s policy easing will be compelled to admit that there is great upside in global oil demand in 2023. China has been allocating huge export and import quotas, nudging its oil refiners as hard as possible. Against the background of US economic readings rising quicker […]

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