Taking a moment to observe the designs that are incorporated into your everyday life will help you understand how we interact with them.

Written by on November 10, 2022

Daily Habits to Improve UX/UI Skills
Creating productive habits, slowly but surely.

As a new designer, I have been seeking resources and tools that will help give me a concrete foundation as I jump into the deep end of a new field. I have spent A LOT of time reading/watching everything I can find about how to be a productive, successful, and relevant UX designer. Here are some tips I collected that are worth sharing.

  1. Show the Crap
    When you are presenting solutions during ideation, show the crappy ones. The ones you think are trash need to be shared. You never know how they can change a perspective or spark a new, helpful idea. Share it all.
  2. Learn other disciplines
    You don’t need to be an expert, but having a basic understanding of business, technology, psychology etc. is a good idea. Basic psychology will improve the way you do research or make decisions about interaction design. Understanding business objectives on a project will help implement designs that support those objectives. Tech has limitations — just as much as it has possibilities, understanding this is crucial. You get the point.
  3. Define and Document
    Create a habit of defining and documenting every task, every project from the start. Clarity is your friend.
  4. Learn, Read, Learn, Repeat
    Find an hour or so each day to read something related to design. Professional reading is vital if you want to keep up with the rapidly changing field.
  5. Pause. Observe your surroundings.
    We are surrounded by design. Taking a moment to observe the designs that are incorporated into your everyday life will help you understand how we interact with them. When something grabs your attention — look at it with designer eyes. When someone frustrates you because it doesn’t make sense or doesn’t add value, think about WHY it doesn’t work.
  6. Say Peace Out to the Ego
    No matter how good you are, there is better. No matter how much you need to learn, someone is just starting and knows less than you. Forget the ego and start sharing work early. Get feedback. Do not take it personally. It is okay to not understand — ask questions. Seek guidance. Everyone had to start somewhere.


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