Targeting Business Development According to Market Needs
Written by ABC AUDIO on September 26, 2022
Even though you’ve done various kinds of research to determine the direction of business development, don’t rush into executing, because there is one more factor that needs to be considered: trends and patterns of customer transactions! For example, in this modern era, it is actually impossible to please everyone, including managing a business.
Don’t spend too much energy trying to make sure the business we run fits everyone’s needs, but focus on market segments whose needs are in line with business goals! There are many segments that we can make to reduce the market we want to target, starting from gender, age, and even economic level.
It’s simple, really, what teenagers need is certainly different from what is needed by those who are already working, right? So, the question that should be asked is, “Which market segment is the most profitable to work with the business we want to run?” From the research that has been done previously, add a market segmentation factor to ensure the business is developed in the right and profitable direction.
Not only related to their needs, this kind of segmentation can also help business actors determine the best marketing activities that can be done. Furthermore, if marketing activities have been carried out appropriately in accordance with the targeted segment, the potential for purchases will also increase. customers tend to have been exposed to the various conveniences offered by technology products.
Online delivery systems, digital wallets, and SMS blasts are no longer something foreign. In fact, it’s not an exaggeration to mention that the existence of an online presence has become one of the market needs sought from a business, right? Don’t let the research that has been done become because we as business actors are reluctant to glance at the online market, OK!
Take advantage of the various conveniences offered by the majoo application to achieve digital transformation. In addition to allowing business actors to manage their business anytime and anywhere, the application is also equipped with feature integration into various digital platforms that are the market’s choice.
If market research is used to find out what the market needs, product research starts from the opposite point: Does the product or service you want to develop meet the needs of the customer? What kind of quality improvement do customers actually expect from the products we sell? Use this question as a reference in developing business products.